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Writer's pictureSusan Stubbings

Alcohol the pleasures and the pain.

Alcohol can be both a pleasure and pain if we consume to much that our body rebels against the intake i.e., we feel sick, we slur our words or we pass out, not a good look.  

One or two glasses of beer or wine can help us relax after a stressful day or at a party, gathering of friends and family.

To many glasses though can lead to arguments, vomiting and illness in some cases.  With the festivities in full flow as we head up the hill to New Year some of us may be overdoing it.

Its true a few drinks is very pleasurable, but when does a few become to many? 

The alcohol guidelines recommend no more than 14 units per week. One unit equals half a pint of beer, one measure of spirits or a 10ml of wine or 7 pints of beer a week. Yes that's right just 7 Pints of beer in a week before it become a problem to our body and physical well-being, it can also affect our mental health.

BUT who measures a unit when at a party or drinking at home?

Drinking to many affects us in many ways, our judgment and decision making goes array ‘making’ us do things we wouldn’t normally do.

This is because our inhibitions are lost and we engage in activities that are riskier for example having unprotected sex, becoming aggressive, spoiling for a fight or drinking and driving.  

All the consequences which follow e.g. unwanted pregnancies, STDs, spoiling everyone’s enjoyment by fighting, even one punch has been known to kill a person.  Of course we don’t want to drink and then drive because ....... well I think we all know what can happen if we do.

Its also important to understand that mixing alcohol with other drugs, street or those prescribe from a GP can have adverse effects upon a person by increasing the toxicity of the drugs.  In some cases this can be a fatal mix.

It is important that we all know our relationship with alcohol to ensure that we have an enjoyable  experience, that when we use alcohol, it is for everyone’s pleasure not everyone’s fears.

There are many ways to enjoy socialising with alcohol and what better time than at a celebrations like Christmas and New Year.

Some may already be feeling the effects of overindulgence, we tell ourselves “I can always get back to’ normal’ in a few days", or "its Christmas what do you expect"? " I want to enjoy myself",

Does enjoying yourself equate to drinking to excess? If so there may be a problem with your relationship with alcohol

As an adult we are responsible for ALL of our behaviour at every step of the way. Whether we’ve been drinking alcohol or its Christmastime or you want to enjoy, so does everyone else around us.

Alcohol can be a source of enjoyment or a curse depending on how you use it!

On average one measure of alcohol can stay in your body for around an hour this is the time needed for your body to break one unit of alcohol down. This time can increase if your liver is not working properly or compromised by illness or if taking medication at the same time.

So how do you drink responsibly at celebrations or any time of  year so everyone can enjoy the gathering?


  • Set realistic goals where drinking alcohol is concerned, be realistic don't say "I'm not going to drink at all", when the likelihood of that happening won't happen. Its more realistic to say, "I'm going to drink no more than 4 pints" or "I'm going to have 3 glasses of wine" and then stick to it. 

  • Have a pre-set amount and then stop when you get there and drink non-alcoholic or soft drinks in between or thereafter when you have reached the limit you set yourself.

  • Don’t go on a binge solely to get drunk just because its 'New Year’

  • Alternate alcohol with a soft drinks or better still have a glass of water at your side to alternate between alcohol and staying hydrated.

  • Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach, make a point of associating alcohol with food eat something whilst drinking.

  • Drink a glass of water in between each alcoholic drink, its far better for your body and you will remain hydrated a major issue when consuming a lot of alcohol.

  • Drink slowly, sip your alcoholic beverage take time to appreciate its aroma, its taste and texture, rather than gulping or quickly swallowing the liquid down.

  • Take care with unfamiliar drinks such as punches they can be laced with hard spirits you may not be used to drinking.

  • Avoid mixing drinks this can heighten the affects if you are not used to certain beverages.

  • Pace your intake of alcohol don’t have double measures, drink one measure at a time and drink slowly don’t just drink it down like it’s the last drop of liquid you are going to get in the next hour!

  • Let your glass become empty and stay empty for a little time before refilling it. have two glasses at your side on kept full of water.

  • Have plenty of snacks around if mealtimes are over such as cheese, meats and nuts which are substantial foods to parallel the alcohol intake.

  • Know how to say “no I’ve had enough thank you” and respect when another says no thank you, they are enjoying sensibly!

  • NEVER drink and drive one glass of alcohol is one to many if you are driving anywhere even if you are only going round to your local shops DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!

Alcohol can be a lovely source of enjoyment, relaxation and socialising taken to excess can lead to many regrets and dangers, therefore it makes sense to understand our individual relationship and usage of it. Its easy to get carried away in the moment when socialising and at times of celebrations like Christmas and New Year, stay mindful to what and when you are drinking.

Above all enjoy and stay safe

If you do find yourself having a problem with alcohol i.e. binge drinking or drinking everyday and still high functioning  and wish to change or you are suffering because of someone else's drinking please consider contacting me for support.

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